In Memory Of Our Loved and Missed Classmates, Principals and Teachers
Class of:
1925 to 1929, 1930 - 1931, 1932 to 1934, 1935 to 1936, 1938
to 1940, 1941 and 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948,
1950, 1951,
1952, 1953, 1954, 1955,
1956, 1957, 1958,
1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963,
1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, Greenbrier West 1969, Greenbrier West 1970, Greenbrier
West 1971
Roy Coffman - Friday, Oct. 20, 2006 -
Class of 41
Aaron Boggs - Obituary
Passed away April 1, 2008 (submitted by Connard Estep)
Russell E.
Coleman, Jr. -
Obituary (Submitted by Rachel Phillips)
Shiflette Whitman -
Obituary -
Passed away Feb. 8, 2008
(Submitted by Connard Estep)
Class of 44
Clarence "Pete" Craft passed away this year on February 16, 2007 (The information was
sent by his daughter, Bettye.) Click to view
Pete's obituary.
of 45
Arleta (Wilson) Smith
Obituary (Submitted by John
J. Johnson)
Herbert Walker, Jr. -
(Submitted by Normal Walker Zopp)
Class of 47
A hand-written list
of 1947 graduates who have passed on can be
found here.
Class of 49
Thelma Jo Phillips
Hansen (Sent by her son, Jeff Hanson)
Thelma Jo Phillips passed away on August 21, 1994 after a short battle with
cancer. She was a teacher, and spent most of her career at Barboursville High
School. She was survived by her son, Jeff Hanson, her daughter, Dawn Dooley, a
granddaughter, and her brother Ed Phillips. Since her death, she has had two
more granddaughters and a grandson.
Class of 50
James "Keith Goddard
- Passed away June 7, 2008 -
(Forwarded by Connard Estep)
Charlie Taylor
Class of 51
Janice Harshburger Bryant
Janice Carmichael
Betty Smith Elliot
Libby Fink
Margaret Ann Fox
Paul "Junie" Gutshall
Kenneth Lively
Billy Martin
Freda Martin
Lee McCall
Howard Neal
Imelda Posten
Sidney Roberts
Granville Robinson
Don Sanford
Ralph Smith
Vellow "Bud" Smith -
Sent by Loretta
Jones. Bud died in 1984. He retired from the Air Force in 1972. Bud
worked as an Air TrafficController was working for the FAA in Danville, Virginia
at the time of his death.
Hilda Vass
Betty "Pud" Wilt
Detward Woolard
Class of 52
Leo Alls
Ginger Burns
Jackie Bottomley
Billy Jo Carmichael
Betty Carter
Helen Corren
Franklin Hume
Dicke Jarrett
Darrell Kincaid
Don Lively
Johnnie Morrison
Yvonne Scott

Franklin Surbaugh
Sutphin Williams -
Obituary (forwarded by Carole Vaughn)
Class of 53
Wiley F. Bower -
Obituary Passsed away Jan. 13, 2008 (Submitted by Connard Estep)
Margaret Ann Shuck -
A letter tribute written by her husband, Robert (Bob) Myers
Loudermilk Tincher -
Obituary -
Forwarded by Connard Estep
W. White - Obituary
Class of 54
Asa Meade's Obituary
(Forwarded by Connard Estep). Please
let me know if I have the incorrect year.
Alva Utterback Kinard - Alva died in Melbourne FL in Feb. 1998 after a long
battle with cancer. She was retired from Harris Industries in Palm Bay, FL where
she worked as an engineer assistant. She leaves three children, Charles Lyons,
Bob Lyons, and Shirley Lyons Todd and four grandchildren.
Sevy Sims, 72, of Rainelle, passed away, September 18, 2008, at Greenbrier
Valley Medical Center, following a short illness.
Click here to view
her obituary (Forwarded by Evelyn Utterback Drake)
Class of 55
Gordon Alls

Beatrice Bobbitt
Willie Brown
Harold Cochran
Jerry Crotty
Robert (Bob) Crusse

Garnet Gearhart
Melanie Gladwell
Larry Hamilton
"Swede" Johnson, Jr. -
Obituary - John passed away John J.
Johnson, Jr., 73, of Yorktown, VA, joined his Savior January 13, 2011, in his
home surrounded by his loving family after a long illness.

Lake Lambert
- Lake passed away in 1976, in Louisville KY, from cancer. He graduated in
1959 from WVU, with a degree in Business Administration. He was married to the
former Evelyn Utterback of Rainelle.
Gladys Plum
Class of 56
In Memory of:
Kipton Bottomly

Jean Brackman
Deloris Cole
Leslie Dillon

Harold Johnson
Pat McQuain
Ann Marrs Singleton
Sam (Harry) Tallman - Died Dec. 26, 2009. Harry was retired military
with two tours of Vietnam. He was an excellent woodworker.
Jim Wilt
Class of 57
Lee Jackson Herold
Michelle D. Herold, daughter of Carma Lee Jackson Herold and James Douglas
Herold, wrote a touching tribute about her parents on the
discussion board.
Michelle moved from Ohio to help her parents. Among her comments were a
discussion on her admiration for her parent's bravery and love for each other.
She wrote, "Mom
was such a social person. She would be coming to the class reunion if she could.
I imagine she will be there in some form or another. I wanted all of her friends
to know what a special influence and person she was to me and her friends. She
is deeply missed and I love her with all of my heart. She is and always will be
the wind beneath my wings. She will live on through me now and forever.
Thank you for loving and praying for my mother."
Puckett - Passed away June 26, 2009 due to a heart attack
Class of 58
Bennett (forwarded by J.L. Holsberry)

Howard (Buddy) Bragg
Shirley Holcomb Dixon
Carolyn Phipps
Norma Rose
Fred Willey
Class of 59
Janis Brafford
(Written by a classmate) "Janis died in early October 2005 of cervical
cancer. She had returned to Delaware with her husband Jack Orvis, and was living
there when she died. She was a devout Christian and is now resting
in a better place. She will be missed by her friends and classmates."
Gene Wiseman compiled a moving biography on Janis that is available in
PDF and
Class of 60
Dorothy Brackman
Bill Connard

Mike Griffith
Terri Hume
Judy Jackson

Cobert Lively
Barbara Lowe
Grant Martin
Karen Ray
Tilitha Sanford
Carol Tincher
Class of 61
Class of 62
David Neff
Class of 63
Darlene (Bates) Scarles
- Darlene's Obituary
Joyce (Scarles) Flanagan
(Fox) West
Don McGuire
Rodney Thompson
Class of 64
Gerald Fleshman
Gerald passed away in 1982. Gerald was a friend to all. He was an honors
student and always had a smile on his face.
Sandy Walker Manspile
We wish to remember Reunion Committee leader, Sandy Walker Manspile, who passed
Oct. 4, 2005 after bravely battling cancer
for a lengthy period. Sandy's daughter, Wendy Manspile McGraw, wrote a
moving tribute to Sandy on the
board. Wendy wrote, "I want you to know that she would have loved to visit
this site, to keep up with everyone. She loved coming to the annual reunion's.
As you all know she passed away on Oct. 4, 2005. We miss her so much, she always
kept everyone laughing or crying at all her funny jokes, she was so full of
life. She wanted everyone around her to be HAPPY" Andy Aide Pendleton's
comments included, "As you know Sandy Walker Manspile made the Class of 64
reunions....she loved every one of her classmates as we did her...and yes the
big smile she had was HUGE.....Her laughter was infectious..her kindness knew no
boundaries, her HEART was full of heart for those she loved and cared for."
Comments by Andy Aide Pendleton and Dale Tincher - Gerry passed away December
16, 2009. Gerry was a dear friend of the Rainelle High School Class of '64
as well as other classes. Gerry was active in high school activities, including
the band and several honor and social organizations. He loved Rainelle, West
Virginia and was one of the creators and maintainers of the RainelleReunion.com
Website. Gerry spent countless hours finding and editing photographs and
articles, creating one of the best reunion Websites on the Internet, as well as
what Gerry liked to call "An Online Museum of Rainelle Historical Photos and
Articles." In honor of Gerry, the Website photo sections will continue, but
never be on the scale they were when he was in charge. Gerry was a very giving
person. Many friends have commented about how Gerry sought and sent articles
that he thought might be meaningful to them. He will be missed.
Gerry's obituary
David Patterson
David passed away in 1991.
Ray Robinson
Ray passed away in 1999. Ray was a great friend to have. He had
a quiet manner in high school, was very courteous to all and was an honors student.
Sarah Wiseman Turner
Sarah passed away
Saturday, May 15, 2010. A tribute to Sarah is
posted here.
Class of 65
Please Click Here to see a very nice
pictorial memorial display set up at a recent reunion
Class of 1965 remembers:
Start of Tour - 7/26/67, Casualty Date - 8/17/67, Country - South Vietnam.
Monument at Greenbrier
County Courthouse that lists Greenbrier County war fatality heroes, including
Richard. Richard is also listed on the Washington, D.C. monument.
Richard was always enthusiastic and involved in numerous activities in high
school and had a multitude of friends.
Charles "Chubby" Johnson --January 12, 1977
We knew him as Chubby Johnson. He was always friendly and pleasant and had
countless friends. Chubby was named to the "All-State" football team. Chubby was a West Virginia state trooper and was killed
in the line of duty. We honor him and his memory. Chubby is listed
on the West Virginia State Police
Hall of
Honor. Please click to read
Chubby's obituary.
Gerald "Jerry" Falls --August 11, 1997 - Please click to read
Gerald's obiturary.
Glen Gillespie --July 23, 1998 - Please click to read
Glen's obituary.
Helen Sanford Amick -- August 18, 1999 - Please click to read
Helen's obituary.
Mark Powers -- September 11, 2000 - Please click to read
Mark's obituary.
Jesse Nelson -- July 13, 2001 - Please click to read
Jesse's obituary.
James "Jim" Lewis --December 9, 2005 - Please click to read
Jim's obituary.
Class of 66
Sandy Harrah
John Morris -- October 11, 1996
Jerry Reed --
August 12, 1973
(Sent by Rebecca Reed and family)
Jerry Reed passed away unexpectedly August 12, 1973. He was the son of Calvin
and Marie Reed of Rainelle. He was a proud and devoted father of three children
Lucinda, Tony, And Bethann. Jerry loved his family very much, including his
seven brothers and sisters he left behind.
Louise Snedegar
Class of 67
Lloyd Keith Cook
Charles (Chuck) Dixon
Norman Gillespie
William (Bill) Gray
- Please click to read Bill's
Martha Walker Harrington
Wayne Pennington
Gary French Powers
Mary Jane Scudder
Carolyn Seagraves Weiser
Class of 68
Ann Neff Estep, Class of 68
Ann died of cancer April 15, 1996. She was the daughter of Mac (America) Neff.
Ann was married to Gary Estep and had one daughter, Heather.
Please send your memoriam notes to
and we will be happy to post them. If you simply want to submit a name to let classmates
know that someone passed away, we will gladly add the name to the Memoriam page
until more information is available.
We will also be happy to place and link to obituaries.
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