The 2009 Rainelle High School Reunion has been scheduled for June 30-July 3, 2010!  See Patty Osborne's note and the discussion board for details.


The prior Reunion  was held July 3 - 7th, 2007.  The Reunion Committee did a wonderful job of organizing and coordinating the reunion.

Rainelle High School Reunion Committee

January 13, 2006New item

To view the prior "tentative" reunion schedule, see the News Page.

September 18, 2006

The RHS Reunion Committee met in the elementary cafeteria at 7:00 p.m.  After a brief welcome, 44 contact persons got down to business to fold letters, lick envelopes, and apply mailing labels. By 8:30 almost 1300 letters were ready to be mailed. All but 2 classes that have contact persons were present. The letters will be put in the mail as soon as the others are complete.
The next meeting date will be announced later.

Reunion Committee Minutes

Rainelle High School Reunion Committee
August 21, 2006

The meeting was called to order by Patty Osborne. Lots of new faces were present and everyone was welcomed.
The minutes were read from the previous meeting. A motion was made by Tom Gilkeson and seconded by Linda Dimascio to accept the minutes as read. Minutes were approved.

Patty reported that the Executive Committee had met 4 times during the summer to prepare to meet with the contact persons and plan the reunion. Some of the things that have been accomplished are:

  • Bud Whitlow has once again agreed to order the caps, t-shirts, and sweatshirts but he does not want to take orders as before. They will be sold at the reunion on a first come, first serve basis;
  • Jay Frye, Band Director at Western Greenbrier Middle School is retiring but has assured us they are committed to helping us in 2007 as always. As a convenience to the alumni, the band boosters will be setting up a concession stand to sell food and drinks on Thursday and Friday from 11:00am until ?, as needed. They will also be available to help the the pig roast, sound systems, run errands, etc.;
  • Jerry Osborne has been getting insurance quotes and Nationwide has given us a quote of $333.51 which is the lowest rate we have received so far;
  • J & S Restaurant & Catering is working with us to provide for the pig roast. K. C. Farren is 'Pig Roast Chairman' and will continue to work with them on that event. Richard Fleshman made a motion for K. C. to go ahead as planned and it was seconded and approved;
  • A tentative schedule has been made but changes may need to be made to accommodate new events along with the old favorites. (To avoid confusion, we will post the schedule on the internet when it is more complete)
    A rough draft of the next letter to the alumni had been made;
  • The next order of business was, once again, addresses. Our next letter to the alumni will be sent in late September. The draft of the letter was read and approved. Patty emphasized the importance for correct address lists. The lists are to be updated, if needed, so they can be entered in the database in time to get the address labels printed for the next mailing. The corrected lists may be left at K. C.'s Barber Shop or at Flint's by September 8th. It was announced that the next meeting will be September 18th and everything would be supplied to complete the mailing...letters,envelopes, stamps, mailing labels and return address labels. Class contact persons may also include a letter to the individual class, if desired.

Meeting Adjourned.

At the close of the meeting, Andy took pictures to be shared with our friends on the internet!
(37 people were present)

Minutes compiled by Gingy Manspile, Secretary

August 16, 2006
Attention: All class Contact Persons, Helpers and Interested parties!

Meeting: Monday night, August 21-7:00pm-Elementary School
Rainelle Elementary School Cafeteria

Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Our next letter to the alumni has been drafted and needs ro be reviewed. Class address sheets will once again be handed out and revisions, if any, need to be made before this next mailing. Your executive committee has been meeting during the summer and we have several updates to share since our last meeting.
Your participation is the only thing that will guarantee the success of the reunion for your class!
Hope to see a full house Monday night!

July 13, 2006
Posted to the discussion board by Patty (also pasted here):

Hello Rangers!
The countdown to next year's reunion is now less than 12 months and, if history repeats itself, the time will fly!!! I wanted to start this discussion for those of you that may have questions or comments to share during the upcoming months. Plans so far include another picnic on the front lawn, faculty reception, memorials for deceased alumni, a tribute to all our RHS veterans, golf tournament, parade, music in the evenings and pictures, pictures, pictures! Plans are very hopeful for a special presentation on Meadow River Lumber Company and a gospel sing. (More info will be provided as these things come together ) Please remember that individual class functions are the responsibility of your class contact person.
We have heard from lots of folks with address changes and cannot stress enough the importance of finding alumni that we have not been able to locate.
Have a great summer and remember...We here in town love to hear from all of you!!!

April 3, 2006 - Photos by Andy from the March 30, 2006 Reunion Meeting

March 23, 2006 - Planning Meeting for March 30, 2007 Reunion
The next planning meeting for the 2007 Reunion will be held Thursday, March 30, at 7:00pm in the elementary school cafeteria.  All contact people and interested RHS alumni are welcome and encouraged to attend. The return of 140 address cards and our new website will be 2 of the topics discussed.

To all our 'web friends'-We welcome your comments and suggestions.  Update: 4-3-06 - the minutes will be posted in the next few days.

March 1, 2006 - An update from Patty Cox Osborne:
The reunion committee recently sent out over 1300 postcards to alumni addresses supplied by the class contact persons. To date, we have received 144 cards back with incorrect addresses and have been notified of 2 deaths. If you have not received your card, it means that we do not have your correct address or simply do not know where you are. We know that this forum really helps because we have already heard from several people that had not heard from us!

New ItemReunion Committee Minutes (Scanned and sent by Ernie Backus)

March 30, 2006  Pg 1

November 14, 2005  Pg 1     Pg 2

October 27, 2005  Pg 1     Pg 2

We look forward to filling the town with Rangers again in 2007 and you can all be of help by helping us spread the word!

The Reunion Committee members are as follows:

Patty Cox Osborne 67, Chair
Gingy Walker Manspile '62, Secretary
Fredia Grimmett Morris '66, Treasurer
K. C. Farren '62
Tom Gilkeson '59
R. C. (Doc) Neal '57
Jerry Osborne '65

Please contact, Chairperson Patty Cox Osborne with questions or comments.  Several other "contact" individuals are instrumental in the coordination and success of the reunion.  Your class contact also needs your corrected addresses in his/her records.  If this is not possible or you do not know whom to contact, please e-mail reunioncommittee@rainellereunion.com and your contact person will get in touch with you -- or write to Patty Cox, Rainelle Reunion Committee,  PO Box 243, Rainelle, WV 25962.




Website by Consultwebs.com, Inc., Copyright © 2006-2011, Rainelle Reunion Committee, All Rights Reserved.  The
painting of the school was donated by Jeanne Brenneman.