(Forwarded by W. Kenneth Napier)
1906 Mr. T. W. RAINE acquired 32,000 acres of land
1908 - Construction of houses began
1910 Railroads built
1913 Meadow River Lumber Co. (MRLC) built 11-room school house for grade
1914 Methodist Episcopal Church dedicated
1917 High school classes begin
1922 MRLC donated school to the Board of Education
1924 Brick building erected for grade school
1925 First high school graduating class 14 students
1927 - First yearbook
1927 - Gymnasium and auditorium constructed
1931 - The Mountain Ranger, official school paper, first published
1933 Won the Greenbrier Valley Championship in football; co-champs in 1946;
champs again in 1951.
1939 Band organized by Mr. Leslie Groves; discontinued in 1942
1939 Quill and Scroll Society organized
1940 National Honor Society chapter organized
1943 Mr. Roy Coffman became principal, succeeding Mr. George B. Lanham
1944-45 New high school constructed
1947 Athletic field constructed as memorial to WWII veterans. Ground donated
1947 Band reorganized by Mrs. Phyllis Halsey
1952 Hot lunch program started as project of the PTA: Mr. J. Leo Holsberry was
the PTA president
Source: The Journal of the Greenbrier Historical Society, Volume VII, Number 6,
2004, using a 1954 History of Rainelle included in the papers of Dr. John
Montgomery, Superintendent of Schools for Greenbrier County.
* See our
Meadow River Lumber Company
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