Words of Encouragement
by Eric Keister
I am not interested in the past,
I am interested in the future,
for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life.
(Philippians-3:13,14)-Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is
ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize.
by Eric Keister
The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone solve his.
Philippians 2:4 says, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also
on the things of others."
Quote from Gods Little Instruction Book.
Memorial Day Children's Message presented by Sarah Tincher (at her church)
Do you have any idea why I have this flag with me? …Because tomorrow is Memorial
Day. First, do any of you know what a war is? Sometimes, our soldiers have to
fight in a war so we can stay free and for other reasons. Several men in our
church have fought in wars. Let’s ask the men who fought in wars to raise their
hands. Do know why we celebrate Memorial Day? …To honor all the people who died
for our country in wars. So on Memorial day, which is tomorrow, we honor and
remember all of those brave people who fought and died so that we could have
freedom in our country. We are free to worship, to go to church; free to choose
what to be when we grow up, the list just goes on.
We can also honor someone else. Can you think of a person who died so we can be
free from sin? Yes, Jesus. We can remember and honor Jesus. He not only died for
our country, but Jesus Christ died for the entire world. Through Jesus, we have
freedom as Christians. He died on the cross and paid the price for our sins so
that we could live in Heaven with God for all eternity. So no matter what you do
or who you are, if you accept Jesus into your heart as your Savior, you are
forever free in Christ. The blood He shed on the cross gave us the freedom to be
Christians and to live forever with Him. So tomorrow and whenever you see a
flag, remember the people who fought and died, and who still are fighting and
dying for our country, and say a little prayer for them. Also, remember and
thank God for sending Jesus to die and give us freedom of sin.
by Eric Keister
People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.
(Matthew 12:33 amp)...for the tree is known and recognized and judged by its
fruit. 4-21-07
by Eric Keister
Success is to be measured not so much by the
position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has
overcome while trying to succeed.
(James 1:12) says-Blessed is the man who
perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive
the crown of life that GOD has promised to those who love him.
3-25-07 by Eric Keister
The appearance of the first flowers of spring add color to what has been a
dreary world. As we enjoy the flowers of spring let us remember that through
Christ "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2
Corinthians 5:17) May our hearts be renewed just as the earth.
(The devotion is from the book. At The Fathers Table)
3-22-07 by Eric Keister
"Give us water that we may drink" (Exodus 17:2). The Israelites escaped
bondage in Egypt only to face the rigors of survival in the wilderness. They
murmured against Moses and were ready to take out their wrath against him, but
God intervened. Water flowed from a rock, and their thirst was quenched. We,
too, can believe that just as God gave water from the rock to Israel, so will he
bring living water to us and satisfy our thirst.
Eric Keister - Please see Erik's
Profile in the Members' Section of the
Discussion Board
Greenbrier West Class of 1970.
Hilton Village Baptist Church - (304-438-7585)
Pastor --Eric Keister - (304-438-5740)
Note: It took some time to receive any
responses. While waiting, I thought you or someone you know might enjoy something my youngest
daughter, Sarah, (17
(18 now)) posted on her blog (Web log) not long ago. It was a
revelation for her and a comfort for me. :-)
Because You Love Me [Mar. 9th, 2006|03:15 pm] by
Sarah Tincher
So you know that song, "Because You Loved me?" by Celion Dion? Yeah.. Well, I
used to listen to that song longing for someone to think of when I heard that
You know, it goes like this..
For all Those times you stood by me
for all the TRUTH that you made me see
for all the joy you brought to my life
for all the wrongs that you made right
for every dream you made come true
for all the love i found in you
i'll be forever thankful
you're the one who held me up
never let me fall
you're the one who saw me through it
through it ALL
you were my strength when i was weak
you were my voice when i couldn't speak
you were my eyes when i couldn't see
you saw the best there was in me
lifted me up when i couldn't reach
you gave me faith cuz you believe
i'm everything i am
because you loved me.
............So, i would long for someone who loved me THAT MUCH, and ALL THE
TIME....and yeah i love my dad and he's amazing and loves me too, but only Jesus
has ever completed me like that.. every word of that song i feel towards God and
its so amazing. he is the only one who has ever made ALL my wrongs become right.
For so long, i was searching in all the wrong places searching and hoping for
someone to care about me like that
and all the while..
God was there lifting me up, being my strength, giving me faith, loving me, the
entire time, just waiting for me to realize it.
and now that i realize it, i want to live it.
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