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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 07/08/2006 :  23:39:33  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Norma Walker Zopp 45


I have a copy of Vol. 17, No. 4 Winter 1991 of Goldenseal ... shall I forward it to Gerry to scan the cover of the church and the MRLC article Nothing but Hardwood? As Kenneth noted, it may be difficult to find ... the current issue has a list of available back issues and this was not listed ... however, never underestimate Amazon!

Too, I have a copy of October 1998 Wonderful West Virginia which includes an article "The Chestnut's Blight of Passage" and a photo of the interior of First United Methodist Church with the chestnut paneling.

I have a subcription to both of the above publications...most enjoyable and good West Virginia history lessons.

Norma, it will be wonderful if you will forward these to Gerry!! We are very anxious to build an online museum before the materials disappear. Gerry and I were discussing this recently. Thank you!! Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 07/09/2006 :  23:27:09  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Norma Walker Zopp 45


I have a copy of Vol. 17, No. 4 Winter 1991 of Goldenseal ... shall I forward it to Gerry to scan the cover of the church and the MRLC article Nothing but Hardwood? As Kenneth noted, it may be difficult to find ... the current issue has a list of available back issues and this was not listed ... however, never underestimate Amazon!

Too, I have a copy of October 1998 Wonderful West Virginia which includes an article "The Chestnut's Blight of Passage" and a photo of the interior of First United Methodist Church with the chestnut paneling.

I have a subcription to both of the above publications...most enjoyable and good West Virginia history lessons.

Kenneth had also sent some very nice comments along with his idea about listing books, articles, etc. I asked him for permission to post the remainder of his e-mail so others can see some of the benefits and byproducts of the site.

We love hearing that people are enjoying the site and rekindling old friendships, catching up with each other, etc. Dale


Dale & Andy,

I just wanted to again say thanks for the work you both continue to do to keep the reunion site up and moving forward. It's been great to see the pictures, read the memories, etc. But more than that, I think, is how this site has brought people into contact with Rainelle of today as well as with each other. You've done a tremendous job - as has Gerry in all the scanning he's done.

Thanks again - you guys/gals are great - and I'm sure hopeful of being able to see and meet you in person next year.

Kenneth Napier
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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 07/09/2006 :  23:43:37  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Everyone - if you wish to have something posted and aren't registered or simply prefer not to post on board, please send your comments to Andy or to me. We will be happy to post them for you so that others can share the memories and your thoughts. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2006 :  15:58:43  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Gerry Mitchell has been faithfully scanning and sending photos. I have been faithfully being out of town (Seattle this time) and not getting them up. I will try to catch up over this weekend - so check back to see what's new.

Joan Rosewell Moore send Class of '55 names for the Memoriam page and Gerry scanned them. They are placed on the Memoriam page - http://www.rainellereunion.com/in-memoriam.html

Norma Walker Zopp (one of the nicest people on our board and a wonderful contributor) sent a cute 1934 photo of Jimmy Hammer's birthday party. Jimmy was Dr. Hammer's son. If you know any additional names in the photo, please let us know - http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#hammer

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 07/22/2006 15:59:42
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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 07/23/2006 :  20:39:20  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Gerry painstakingly scanned the 150+ page 1970 Greensbrier West yearbook. We will be adding one more - the 1971 book. Then, all yearbook scanning will be complete. Please let your '69 and '70 Greenbrier West classmates know this is online.


Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2006 :  21:40:59  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Norma Walker Zopp loaned us some very nice article pages, Gerry scanned them, and the West Virginia Division of Culture & History www.wvculture.org has been kind enough to grant us permission to use their photos on the site. The photos include a beautiful color photo of the chestnut interior of the Rainelle Methodist church, a black & white one and several very nice photos of the Meadow River Lumber Company. Enjoy them at:

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 07/25/2006 21:47:59
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Patty Cox Osborne 67

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Posted - 07/26/2006 :  09:37:15  Show Profile  Send Patty Cox Osborne 67 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Norma, Gerry and Dale....
These pictures are great!!! I keep searching the photos for my grandfather, H. M. Cox Sr., but haven't found him in any yet. He worked at the mill for many many years.
Thanks again!!!

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Joan Rosewell M 55

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Posted - 07/29/2006 :  14:04:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The man on the horse in our (class of '55) yearbook was Fred Pack. Fred was a very active person around Rainelle in those years. Yes, our band looked and was impressive. The only time we cheerleaders enjoyed those long skirts was when it was cold and possibly snowing! They did look better than the OLD, short, uneven ones featured in the RC cola ad in '54!! I think we inherited those from the cheerleaders in the early '50s, Peggy Levisay et.al. I was going to buy the big gold megaphone off one of them at the all high school reunion, but the young lady who was selling them was gracious enough to give it to me when she found out I'd worn it. Guess she thought I deserved it!! We were known as the "sassy seniors". I'm sure it was well earned and we loved the title. A lot of the boys wore white bobby socks also and, note the socks T.D. Sutler (band director) has on in the cover page for the faculty!

I haven't heard anything about Mr. Coffman lately. Does anyone know anything about him?

One more thing and I'll "shut up"! I cannot believe that there isn't someone around Rainelle who cannot find out the facts about Charlie Taylor's death. If not, I'd like to request that Dale take those vague comments off his picture. Dale and Gerry, who are away from Rainelle, have done a fantastic job of setting up and maintaining this website, but they have to depend on the people in town to help them. This is a very important part of the website and honors our classmates who are no longer with us, but will never be forgotten.

Thanks again to Dale and Gerry.
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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 07/29/2006 :  14:26:51  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Joan, thank you for your very nice and appropriate comments. I removed the unsubstantiated comments about Charlie Taylor until we get more definite information.

If someone wishes to write a tribute about anyone, we will be happy to link it from their memoriam photo.

Janet Estep sent some 60's photos of Sewell Valley Church including an interior shot, a Vacation Bible School photo and deacons at the time. Sewell Valley Church is and was an important part of many Rangers' lives and memories.

Gerry Mitchell scanned & prepared two nice shots of a Meadow River Lumber ccmpany house and a photo of a large, old rooming house. Photography was a big deal back then. You can see people leaning out windows to get into the photo. Hmm, wouldn't the air conditioning get out with all those open windows? :


Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 07/30/2006 13:56:11
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Patty Cox Osborne 67

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Posted - 07/31/2006 :  20:56:20  Show Profile  Send Patty Cox Osborne 67 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I can tell you that Charlie Taylor did pass away in the Sewell Valley Church in December of 1998. His daughter, Pam, is a teacher at the Christian School and very active in the church. He was there with her that day helping to prepare for the Christmas program for that evening. He and Pam were there alone and I can only imagine how extremely hard it was for here until she could get help, although it is my understanding there was nothing that could have been done. His wake was held at the church and the lines were clear out the door all evening. I have no idea how many people filed in out of those doors that night.
Charlie was a wonderful person and the whole community was in shock. He is still, and will always be, greatly missed!

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Joan Rosewell M 55

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Posted - 07/31/2006 :  21:44:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for the information on Charlie Taylor, Patty. I know Charlie was a Christian so I can't think of a more fitting place for him to leave this world. My family thought very highly of him. When they lived in Rainelle, my dad went to the same church he did and I can remember him coming to our house "back in the old days". Mother still has some albums of the Christian Four quartet, or, maybe I have them now! I'm sure he is missed at church and in Rainelle.
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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 08/02/2006 :  16:15:11  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you, Patty and Joan for the remarks on Charlie Taylor. I didn't know him, but he sounds like a wonderful man that I would like to have known. We should honor men and women who have contributed positively to Rainelle and to people's lives. Please (anyone) feel free to add any additional comments about Charlie and I will consolidate them and link them from his name and photo on the Memoriam page.

If you wish to recognize or memorialize others, we will be happy to link to them. If they are still alive, I'm sure your comments on the discussion board will make them feel very good. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

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Posted - 08/21/2006 :  14:54:50  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The 1971 Greenbrier West yearbook is up thanks to more hard work by Gerry. Thank you again, Gerry

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2006 :  15:53:55  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Thanks to two wonderful, giving people, we have a special treat in process. As you may know, Virginia Meadows has been great about taking tons of photos at the reunions and painstakingly cataloguing them. Virginia loaned me the "color" photos to the 3rd All-School reunion while I was in Rainelle recently. She has taped them onto large sheets so they can be nicely displayed at the next reunion. Gerry Mitchell is in the process of placing the large sheets into his scanner multiple times so he can scan each of the approximately 800 photos into a file and edit or improve the photo if needed. He has scanned 74 photos so far and sends additional scans as he has time. It will take quite some time to get it all done. He is doing a remarkable job! Not only is he donating time and effort, he is saving hundeds of dollars that a service would charge and is doing a higher quality job than the vast majority of services would do.

If someone would like to volunteer to add names to the photos, please let me know. I will provide a login and instructions. It can be done as your time permits.

If you do not want your name on your photo for privacy reasons, please let us know. Or, e.g., if you prefer to think that you look like you wish you did and not like the photo portrays you, I understand and will not place your name. Cameras distort us sometimes, making us look older and/or heavier.

Some reminders, you can buy any of these photos from Kodak (or Photoworks when applicable.) They make nice gifts. Kodak provides frames and many other items. I have sent some photo mugs to friends or relatives when I want to thank, congratulate or just tell people they mean a lot to me. I have sometimes put one photo on a mug. Other times, I make a collage out of a few of the photos.

Here is the link. Be sure to check back periodically as we build the slide show - http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#reunion_3

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Andy Aide Pendleton 64

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Posted - 08/28/2006 :  19:30:34  Show Profile  Send Andy Aide Pendleton 64 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Oh! my goodness......Thank you Mrs. Meadows for the great photos.....Thank you Gerry for taking the time to scan all of the reunion pictures plus enhancing each photos....Yes, I do know it is taking hours.......I do look forward to seeing all of the photos......Again thank you Mrs. Meadows, Gerry and Dale....

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