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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2006 :  00:05:19  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. Gerry has taken great pains to scan a 1941 yearbook that Norma Zopp was kind enough to send. Gerry manipulated many of the photos so they would be viewable. Thank you once again, Gerry!

If you want any of the original scans, please let me or Gerry gerry.mitchell@rainellereunion.com know. The originals are larger and clearer than the ones you will see on Photoworks and Kodak Gallery.

This may be the first yearbook that Rainelle High School published. If anyone knows differently, please let us know.

The photos are much larger and clearer in Photoworks than those in Kodak Gallery. It is interesting to view the clothing styles. They were very sharp dressers! I really like the senior men's suits and ties. The ladies dressed elegantly and had lovely hairstyles. The basketball and football uniforms are quite interesting. The football helmuts didn't offer much protection. I saw many familiar names - Neals, Bobbitts, Sanfords, Martins, Bennetts, Zopp's, Flints, etc. - some of our earlier year classmates or their and our parents or relatives. The Rainelle Department Store bought a full page ad! That probably cost them $15 or so. It would be interesting to know. None of the ads have photos. To view the yearbook, please see http://www.rainellereunion.com/41-42.html

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2006 :  21:20:03  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. The Class of '42 page is up, courtesy of Gerry Mitchell's scanning and Norma Zopp loaning the yearbook http://www.rainellereunion.com/41-42.html Please revisit the photos Monday or Tuesday. Gerry is working to minimize the patterns that show up on some of the photos. Yearbook photos sometimes have these patterns.

Page 4 is fun. It has drawings of all the presidents up until the current one - President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Class of '42's football team of 16 players was quite good. They started out upsetting South Charleston 6-0 and had some other good wins. Be sure to go through the ads. One of them has a photo - technology was advancing! A few school activity photos are intermixed with the ads.

This was a difficult time for our country - WWII. My father left school earlier, when he was a junior to join the Navy, as did many others. It dawned on me that, if I counted correctly, there were 101 seventh graders, 89 either graders and only 32 seniors. Only 13 were male. Eighty percent of junior and sophomore class was female. I assume that was due to the war. It would be great to hear from our 40's Rangers what it was like at that time.


Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 03/19/2006 23:58:03
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2006 :  22:12:16  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. A few questions have come up more than once so I will answer them for everyone.

Any of our Ranger friends can view our board without registering as a member. However, a visitor must register before posting a message onto the discussion board or viewing the list of Members.

Unfortunately, this board's programming does not allow the login process to be bypassed. Fortunately, however, the system remembers your user name and password.

You can change your password, but an administrator must change user/member names. I will be happy to change your member name if e.g., you wish it changed to First Name, Last Name, Maiden Name (if applicable) and year. Or, you can register again and delete or ask me to delete your first entry. If you have trouble logging in, please don't hesitate to ask me for help. I check e-mail frequently.

You can copy and paste information onto the board. Chris, for example, mentioned that he likes to write his message in Word and paste it onto the board.

Don't hesitate to post. You can easily delete or edit your post or ask me to do it. If you are reluctant to post, e-mail your message to me or Andy and we will be happy to post it for you. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2006 :  00:14:52  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Gerry has scanned another yearbook that was supplied by Norma Zopp. Norma, we appreciate this so much! Gerry did a great job (as good as could have been done) on some light pages that required some extra cropping and clean-up work.

The '43 yearbook seems to indicate on page 9 that '42 was the first yearbook. Page 2 has a picture of the old high school. (To view a better photos of the school, see the Photos page. J.L. Holsberry sent a very good photo of the old high school.) A sad note is page 4 that dedicated the yearbook to three Rangers who were lost in WW II. These 3 strong, handsome men are J.R. Coleman, Francis Dorsey and John W. Page. The senior class had 33 ladies and 15 men, again fewer men as a result of the war. The freshmen class had a whopping 77 students. The Rainelle Department Store bought another full page ad with the words, "Buy War Bonds" at the top of the ad. This is another very interesting yearbook with many familiar names. For a treat, history and memories see http://www.rainellereunion.com/43.html

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 03/21/2006 00:17:46
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2006 :  07:48:11  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone. I have heard from Rangers across the U.S. who have visited the board and was curious how many people are viewing the board on a periodic basis. Admittedly, a few of us check the board 2 or 3 times per day. However, we typically only visit topics that we see have had updates. Some statistics are: The new "In Memory Of" topic was visited 52 times since I started it 14 hours ago. The "Do you Remember" topic was visited 101 times in the past 30 hours. On weekends, the activity is typically 150 page views per day for recently updated topics.

The online museum is being visited.

For your general information, this Website and board are the property of the Rainelle Reunion committee and they make the final decisions on it. My goal was to help get it started and provide whatever support I could - then enjoy it, while posting periodically. I am particularly excited to see some of the earlier Rangers filling in information gaps that would have otherwise been lost. I am so glad that so many are enjoying it.

Gerry is working on the Class of 43 yearbook. This week, Gerry received several of the more recent yearbooks from Ron Fleshman and he will scan those over the coming weeks. We will post a list of the remaining needed yearbooks this week. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2006 :  23:52:20  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The Class of 44, loaned by Norma Walker Zopp and scanned by Gerry Mitchell, is up. It is another interesting yearbook that was put together during wartime. Page 3 of the yearbook states, "This year, we, the seniors of 1944 are being graduated into a world of chaos. Our class is represented even now in the armed forces of our country and with sad hearts, we watched classmates march away to war. Yet, our hearts are proud. We feel that we could not find a better dedication for our yearbook than to "our world of tomorrow." The belief that peace and happiness will become supreme again, is our chief thought at this moment."

Thank you classes of the 40's for your courage and determination to make our world better.

Roy Coffman became the principal. Once again, the upper classes have far more ladies than men. We see a familiar name - one of our board posters Norma Walker Zopp, a junior.

We hope you enjoy it http://www.rainellereunion.com/44.html

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2006 :  00:36:08  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The 1945 yearbook is posted: http://www.rainellereunion.com/45.html courtesy of Norma Walker Zopp loaning the yearbook and Gerry Mitchell's painstaking scanning work.

This was another interesting time for our country and Rangers. World War II had been going on since 1939 was about to end. On September 2, 1945, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed the instrument of surrender aboard the battleship U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan. It was a painful war and we lost many brave boys. Others, including my father, Clyde Tincher, were disabled in the war or suffered serious injuries.

The yearbook has a V on the front. The V stood for "Victory" and the yearbook is dedicated to "the principles of democracy". Optimism is apparent on page 2 and 3.

The yearbook has many snowy scenes.

Marilyn, I've been reviewing the yearbooks' football and basketball scores. It appears that we have always been able to count on Rupert for a win.

One of our discussion board posters was the lovely Rainelle High School Queen for 1945. You'll have to go to page 46 to see who she is. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 03/25/2006 00:40:28
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2006 :  11:11:42  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone, Gerry Mitchell has rescanned the '43 yearbook photos (he wants them to be the best they can be) and has scanned a '41 Mountain Ranger newsletter and a '45 Commencement and Sermon that Norma Walker Zopp sent. (Thank you again, Gerry!!)

You can see them on the '43 and '45 class pages: http://www.rainellereunion.com/classes.html

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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Chris Dawson 51

175 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2006 :  10:28:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you, Gerry
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2006 :  11:49:33  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello everyone,

Gerry Mitchell is at it again - the great contributor that he is! Gerry has replaced the 2006 Rainelle photos he took earlier with 150 photos he took last week. He did a wonderful job, even enhancing some of the rainy weather photos he took one day. Gerry even labeled them so they would appear chronologically - giving you a view as if you were driving. Unfortunately, Photoworks is not sorting them for some reason, so I will resort them when I find time. The Kodak version is smaller and loads more quickly for dial-up users, but Kodak does not retain Gerry's excellent, descriptive file names. I will have to paste those manually. So... you can receive a very enjoyable tour now, but next week at this time, you will receive a more chronological, descriptive tour if you check back. Thank you, Gerry! Once again, you have put a smile on many faces.

Photoworks - for broadband (higher speed users) or dial-up users with patience - http://www.photoworks.com/share/shareLanding.jsp?shareCode=ABDDB03C09F&cb=PW&cp=ems_shr_dpr_25pr_ps2 Broadband users - click on "Larger" for the best view.

Kodak Gallery - for dial-up users http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.635fr70&x=0&y=apuzp6 Bypass the login and click on "View Photos without signing in"

On a separate note, Gerry sent a photo of a biker and his babe - probably a 1950's or 1960's classmate biker. It is quite humorous and we can relate - http://www.rainellereunion.com/images/humor/FL_20BIKER.jpg Hmm. The rider looks familiar. Do Harold or Chris ride bikes?

Andy Aide Pendleton had the very good idea of placing a small Ranger graphic on the Website pages that have had recent updates in the area where the update was made. This is another way (in addition to the board) of knowing what is new on a page. Thank you for the idea, Andy. See http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html for an example.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 04/03/2006 12:14:19
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256 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2006 :  14:25:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Gerry: Thank you for all the many hours of work you have done to make this website "incredible". Thank you, thank you, thank you. (I'm giving you 4 thank you's now because I should have thanked you prior to this! I'll add more later, ha.
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2006 :  20:53:23  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dale Tincher 64

Hello everyone,

Gerry Mitchell is at it again - the great contributor that he is! Gerry has replaced the 2006 Rainelle photos he took earlier with 150 photos he took last week. He did a wonderful job, even enhancing some of the rainy weather photos he took one day. Gerry even labeled them so they would appear chronologically - giving you a view as if you were driving. Unfortunately, Photoworks is not sorting them for some reason, so I will resort them when I find time. The Kodak version is smaller and loads more quickly for dial-up users, but Kodak does not retain Gerry's excellent, descriptive file names. I will have to paste those manually. So... you can receive a very enjoyable tour now, but next week at this time, you will receive a more chronological, descriptive tour if you check back. Thank you, Gerry! Once again, you have put a smile on many faces.

Photoworks - for broadband (higher speed users) or dial-up users with patience - http://www.photoworks.com/share/shareLanding.jsp?shareCode=ABDDB03C09F&cb=PW&cp=ems_shr_dpr_25pr_ps2 Broadband users - click on "Larger" for the best view.

Kodak Gallery - for dial-up users http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.635fr70&x=0&y=apuzp6 Bypass the login and click on "View Photos without signing in"

On a separate note, Gerry sent a photo of a biker and his babe - probably a 1950's or 1960's classmate biker. It is quite humorous and we can relate - http://www.rainellereunion.com/images/humor/FL_20BIKER.jpg Hmm. The rider looks familiar. Do Harold or Chris ride bikes?

Andy Aide Pendleton had the very good idea of placing a small Ranger graphic on the Website pages that have had recent updates in the area where the update was made. This is another way (in addition to the board) of knowing what is new on a page. Thank you for the idea, Andy. See http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html for an example.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

The Photoworks slide show is now resorted in the chronological order that Gerry set it up: http://www.photoworks.com/share/shareLanding.jsp?shareCode=ABDDB03C09F&cb=PW&cp=ems_shr_dpr_25pr_ps2 Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 04/03/2006 20:54:45
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Andy Aide Pendleton 64

297 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2006 :  19:33:14  Show Profile  Send Andy Aide Pendleton 64 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you Gerry and Dale!!!

A job well appreciated by all

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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2006 :  00:55:04  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Evelyn Utterback sent some cute photos of children taken in 1948 (approximately). Pictured in one photo are J.L. Holsberry, Linda McCall, Evelyn Utterback, O.R. Smith, Gene Blair, Leah Ray Johnson, Judy Smith, Charlie Lindsey, Ruth Ellen Gray, Jerry Crotty, Phil Lindsey, Kitty Staley, Lewis Wallace, Alva Utterback, Mickey Crotty, David Gray, Elda Montgomery, John Jay Johnson, Jackie Gladwell and in another photo are O.R. Smith, Evelyn Utterback, J.L. Holsberry, Linda McCall, Phil Lindsey, Judy Smith, Charlie Lindsey Gene Blair, Leah Ray Johnson, Kitty Staley.

This is your chance to see J.L., Evelyn and others as 3rd graders. Dale

A tip: If you wish to send a page's Website link to someone by e-mail, from your browser window, click on: File > Send Link by E-mail. You can send a page the same way, but choose Send Page by E-mail.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

Edited by - Dale Tincher 64 on 04/05/2006 01:04:34
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Dale Tincher 64

485 Posts

Posted - 04/06/2006 :  00:07:27  Show Profile  Visit Dale Tincher 64's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Courtesy of the loan of some yearbooks by Kenneth Napier and more great scanning by Gerry Mitchell, the 1948 yearbook is up -http://www.rainellereunion.com/48.html Thank you, Kenneth and Gerry. This year marked the completion of building that allowed students to be housed in one building rather than having to run from one building to another.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
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