Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 The Rainelle Reunion Website Is Up (Plus Updates)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 02/22/2006 : 22:10:01
Hello everyone,

Drumroll.... The Rainelle Website home page is up: www.rainellereunion.com

I hope you like it. We want it to be the best High School Reunion Website in the U.S. -- because our beloved Rainelle citizens and classmates deserve it!

We still have a lot of work to do & information to fill in, but we are well underway.

Your suggestions are most welcome. Volunteers are most welcome to help research information, poll classmates and collect information, and, if interested, to make updates to the site. If you can provide expertise in your specialty, that would be most helpful. For example, if you are a medical professional, your links and tips are most welcome. If you travel, travel tips will be appreciated. If you are in real estate, retired, build homes, drive a truck, take photos, paint, work in construction, farm, fix cars, pastor, are a homemaker, work on computers, etc., etc., you will have expertise and possibly links that may help someone. If you are a brilliant and humorous story-teller like Chris Dawson, "please" keep writing and keeping it interesting.

We hope you enjoy the site.


Dale Tincher - Class of 64
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 08/19/2007 : 15:18:26
Hello everyone. I recently (early August) visited Rainelle for the annual Tincher reunion. While there, I visited Randy and Andy Pendleton. Andy and I walked approximately five miles from Rainelle through sections of East Rainelle - and Andy (as she does) spoke to numerous people along the way. (I love that about Rainelle - how people know and speak to each other, etc.) We visited several people including Wenona Mitchell, Mrs. Phipps (former East Rainelle Grade School principal), her friend Freda and our good friend J. D. Shaver. If you would like recent photos of any of these individuals, please let me or Andy know. Gerry has added 50 of the photos we took to the end of his Rainelle Today slide presentation. They include Rainelle's nice pool, the golf course, a park and more - http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#rainelle_today

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 06/23/2007 : 09:08:01
Hello everyone,

Thanks to a loan from Rachel Gwinn Phillips, granddaughter of Theda Powers, and painstaking cropping and scanning by Gerry Mitchell, we have an excellent digital copy of the 1940 yearbook. Gerry passed on that the yearbook was more ornate and decorated than the newer books. It was developed similar to a scrapbook and bound together using screws. Enjoy the yearbook by clicking on the 1940 link at http://www.rainellereunion.com/38-40.html
We also have a "Memories" miniature book from the junior-senior banquet date May 16, 1941 - see http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#1941_prom Thank you, Rachel and Gerry.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/15/2007 : 21:33:06
Thank you for sharing the pictures....

Dale, the one you thought was Bernard Alley on the last page..I am thinking he is on the first page.....Ty again

Marilyn and Rita, Thank you for volunteering to help Dale with the internet. He has been overwhelmed but thankful for his work, Church, family and the Rainelle reunion website....And helping me with my letters to send out for the reunion....Thank you Dale !!!!

Again thank you Marilyn and Rita ...

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 01/15/2007 : 10:58:54
Class of '64 members will especially enjoy a first grade photo of Rainelle Grade School members taken in '52 and '53. The girls were so cute. Some of the guys were cute then - what happened to the guys??

Technology is amazing. I found a 5 x 7 faded photo of the class. I scanned it, which increased the size dramatically. Gerry Mitchell enhanced it and and split the photo apart and it came out quite clear.

I can't remember all the names and the faces changed so much. I welcome any updates or corrections:

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Posted - 01/15/2007 : 10:02:13
Rita and Marilyn have volunteered to help. We should be able to remove spammers almost as fast as they sign up now. Thank you Rita and Marilyn!! Dale

Dale Tincher
Raleigh, NC
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 01/14/2007 : 23:54:16
Hello, As you may have noticed spammers sign up as members and post messages virtually every day. I check the board a few times each day and usually delete the spammers soon after they make a post or add their information. I'm looking for a volunteer to help delete spammers' posts and member sign-up information from the discussion board. It is a quick process. If you check the board fairly frequently and are willing to do so, please let me know and I will send instructions to you. Thank you, Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 01/05/2007 : 22:03:13
Hello everyone, Gerry Mitchell has done a marvelous job of scouring various sources to find and enhance historical Rainelle photos. The first section contains photos of the Raine Mansion, the Gray House and other historic Rainelle photos - http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.cmzf9ipw&x=0&y=y3bt97

The second group is a collection of Shays, Heisler, Cass, log loaders and other locomotives - http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.6yzauu6c&x=0&y=-54t0xd


Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Posted - 12/30/2006 : 08:46:17
Gerry found some interesting preshistoric and early history on Western Greenbrier County, Rainelle and the Meadow River Lumber Company. If you would like to know e.g., which Indian/Native American tribes lived in the area and other early history information, you will find it interesting. Smokeless coal's growth is discussed. Among other items, I learned that Rainelle was incorporated in 1913 and Tom Raine sold the Sewell Valley Railroad (SVRR) in the 1920's for $3.75 million. That was a ton of money in those days. It is still, of course, quite respectable. For the history, see http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#gbc_history or http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.84g9kxks&x=0&y=r0dbh2. Dale

Dale Tincher
Raleigh, NC
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/30/2006 : 07:45:23
Dale and Gerry,

Thank you for the great pictures !!!!

Question..Where did the beautiful picture of the New River Gorge come from that was tucked in amoungest the old pictures?

It was an absolutley beautiful picture.......
Yes, Fred I agree with you .......for today's photo..
yesterday's photo are all beauitul.....


Gerry you did a great job with the old pictures.......certainly does bring our history alive...because we have very little history to show except through these pictures....Thanks you Gerry and Dale.

Randy's Dad had told me years ago that at one time the Mill had the largest Wheel.......I had asked Tink about this several months ago, he had not heard of this before....I did have a picture of the wheel as the mill as being torn down that my father-in-law had taken.....Of course, I can't find the picture.
These latest pictures sent had a large wheel in the photo.
Question...Does anyone know any history of the wheel?

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 12/29/2006 : 21:59:47
Hello everyone, Gerry Mitchell did a beautiful job of redoing the Reunion 2 photos by cropping and enhancing the pictures that were taken in early July, 1997. You can see them, linked from the upper left side of the photos page - http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#reunion or at Kodak Gallery http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.30n5391o&x=0&y=w0gpiu


Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Fred Young Posted - 12/27/2006 : 18:54:19
I loved the photos, but I have to say, the New River Bridge photo was great! That would look fantastic on my office wall.

Happy New Year!

Onward and sideways.

Fred Young
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 12/27/2006 : 17:47:43
Hello everyone, Gerry Mitchell has sent some additional photos that he found in different places (mainly on the Internet) that include very early Rainelle and the Meadow River Lumber Company. Some of the pictures go back to around 1911. Seeing Rainelle main street as a one-lane dirt road is quite interesting. Thank you, Gerry - http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.5lzc3hsc&x=0&y=aialtj

Other items he found include:


December 27, 2006, U.S. Department of Labor, Federal Register Notice, Meadow River Hardwood Lumber Company; Formerly Known as Georgia- Pacific Corp.; Rainelle, WV; Notice of Negative Determination Regarding Application for Reconsideration [01/31/2006]

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 12/12/2006 : 12:40:40
Hello everyone. Thank you for the nice note on the discussion board, Beverly. We are honored to have Mr. Young's information and photos on the board and are very appreciative that Fred and Bob have sent the memories.

Gerry Mitchell has done a wonderful job of cropping and enhancing photos of Reunion I, held in 1992. I had a service scan them months ago. Gerry's work is far superior. You can now read the text and see the photos much more clearly than the initial version - http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.1wultr0s&x=0&y=-iapfag

Check back - Gerry is working on the 2nd reunion photos.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 11/22/2006 : 12:52:17
Hello everyone, As expected, spammers (people who send unsolicited e-mail) have discovered the Website. I have deleted three spammers from the Members' profiles over the past three days. Spammers scour the Internet for e-mail addresses and put them in spam databases. I realize that some of you are receiving some spam on your rainellereunion.com e-mail address. Spammers have to register for the board to see how the membership list is set up. They hope their is an easy to copy list. Fortunately, most spammers will not take the time to go to each profile to capture the addresses.

I intially considered putting a password on the discussion board to keep spammers out, but didn't want people who discovered it (e.g., relatives, Greenbrier West students, etc.,) to not be able to read the board, etc.

I had built in a method to thwart them and will implement it this weekend. Your actual e-mail addresses are hidden, but spammers can find your Rainelle Reunion address. They will find them and I will change them periodically. It will be an ongoing process. You can find a current Rainellereunion.com e-mail address by clicking on an individual's Member profile.

Many of us receive spam e-mails advertising cheap prescription drugs. I have been following a fascinating, true story written by the Philadelphia Inquirer about prescription drugs (Ambien, Viagra, Codeine, steroids, tranquilizers, etc.), that were being sold via the Internet by one group. A Temple graduate student from India managed a multi-million dollar drug network. His father, a doctor, supplied the drugs from India. A worldwide network sold them by using spam. The orders were filled within 48 hours. The series of articles run through next Sunday. The Philadelphia Inquirer deserves awards for such a masterfully written series. It is also encouraging to see the emphasis the DEA and other agencies are putting these thugs in jail - http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/special_packages/pill/16050907.htm As you know, using unprescribed drugs can be harmful and/or fatal. Hopefully, more of these parasites will be caught and locked up. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 11/21/2006 : 08:45:40
Originally posted by Dale Tincher 64

Kenneth Napier sent a rare color photo of Meadow River Lumber Company at full strength. Kenneth didn't know the date, but would like to know, as would we. The small pine trees on the golf course and the vehicle may be clues that will help someone identify the approximate date and let us know - http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.6u7p5w1w&x=0&y=-cj8658

George (Tink) Collins (Class of 64) wrote to Gerry Mitchell, "I would guess (only a guess) based on the C&O for progress logo on the cabooses and the recently painted water tank that it is ca. late 1950's. Nice shot."

An announcement will be made soon that Tink is working to get an exhibit on the Meadow River Lumber Company set up for the Rainelle Reunion. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

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