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 Memorial Day Weekend in Rainelle

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jwpuckett71 Posted - 05/02/2007 : 16:51:29
Greetings, fellow Rangers!

Sorry I haven't been "on board" for so long. My loss, obviously, as I've spent the last hour or so catching up on the threads I'd missed.

It's almost time again for our annual visit from the Veterans here in Rainelle. Just wanted to update y'all on the plans for the weekend. Easiest way to check on our event is still stopping by our web site: LZRainelle.com

We have almost all of the info updated on the site, so stop by and take a peek! One thing that isn't on there yet is a link to print out an order form for a book that I hope you'll all want tp purchase a copy of. At last year's WV Veterans' Reunion, a couple from Terra Alta, WV happened to be in Rainelle on Thursday at the school when the 700+ bikers rolled into town. Turns out they're authors of childrens' books and were so impressed with the relationship that's grown between the Vets and the school ... they've written a book! Well, they didn't actually write it. It was written by the 5th grade classes at Rainelle School, teachers, and principal(s) (they even let me put in a word or two at the end). Martin & Delia Wach are their names. Delia illustrated the book with hand drawn images taken from photos, students' drawings, etc. Really a nice book. "Veterans Reign In Their Own Parade" is the title. It's scheduled for release over Memorial Day weekend. The Wachs and students will be on hand to sign books during the weekend. If the school sells the book, they get substantially more than if the Wachs sell the books, so as soon as I can get our LZ Rainelle web hoster to add a link with the file so you can print the order form, I'll let everyone know. Hope to have that done this week.

We have another replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall coming this year. Veterans and All Veterans of Brevard, FL will bring the Vietnam Traveling memorial Wall in and we'll get it set up Wed. May 23 and it'll be open for public viewing May 24 - May 28. We'll take it down early on Tuesday, May 29. We have tried to expand our activities for this years' Reunion. Added some music Fri. & Sat. nights. The local Garden Club is dedicating a Blue Star Memorial on Thursday night at 6 PM which I think will be placed at the intersection of Rt 20 and Rt 60 near the school.

Please stop by the web site: LZRainelle.com and look around. Andy & I took lots of photos of last years' event. I'll check back from time to time to see if there are any questions, comments, etc. on this thread.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dale Posted - 07/06/2010 : 14:36:29
J.W. Puckett has made the 2010 L.Z. Rainelle – West Virginia Veterans’ Reunion photos available on their Web page. His comments on this excellent event are below.

Go to http://www.lzrainelle.com and click on the “Image Galleries” link at the top of the page and it’ll take you over to view the photos.

There are about 250 photos on the web page, but we ended up with close to 400 total (counting the ones I received from Keith Thompson … GREAT job, Keith. I appreciate them!).

If anyone would like a CD of the photos, just drop me an email with address and I’ll get you one sent out.

Dale Tincher
Raleigh, NC
jwpuckett71 Posted - 06/18/2008 : 09:33:55
Our thanks to Dale & Gerry! It was indeed an enjoyable weekend. We again hosted the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall at our LZ Rainelle - WV Veterans' Reunion 2008. There were over 3,000 visitors at The Wall during the course of the weekend. The Run For The Wall group made an additional $20,000 donation to Rainelle School on Thursday. That's over $90,000 in the past 4 years alone! What a fantastic group of Patriots those folks are! As I've pointed out to some of our annual guests, they're now working on sharing their concerns and educating their 3rd generation of area residents. It is, to say the very least, a very humbling sight to see the reception for those folks at the school on Thursday.

I was asked by Keith Thompson (former Rainelle resident who now works for Southern Communication's radio stations in Beckley) to highlight the weekend's activities and I explained that one of the most insightful things we would offer for the weekend would be one of the shortest in time duration and yet be one of the least attended. On Thursday night, we presented a movie at City Hall entitled "Missing - Presumed Dead" that was free to the public, lasted barely over 1 hour and was only attended by 15 or so people. This movie details the efforts of one man (Bill Dumas) to find his brother who was listed as MIA in Korea. Now before you write this off as "old news" (the Korean War ended in the early 1950's), keep in mind that there is filmed footage of Bill before a Senate Sub-Committee and two of the Committee members are John Kerry and John McCain. This man has fought for over 50 years to find his brother! While we will always strive to honor our WV Veterans, this battle for our POW/MIA's will always be an important part of our weekend's activities. If you ever have the opportunity to view this movie, please do! I told Keith if we had 100 people who watched that movie, I'd guarantee 98 of them would leave with a different view of our Government's efforts on the POW/MIA issue.

We had more regional schools who brought students to visit The Wall this year than what we've had in the past and we are very grateful for that! Our Candle Light Memorial Service on Friday night remains my favorite part of the weekend. The Wall manager in 2006 and Greg Welsh (Wall manager for 2007 & 2008) have both been amazed at the local participation for that segment of the weekend's activities. West Virginia paid a heavy toll during the Vietnam War and 21 of our soldiers remain listed as POW/MIA's.

Our parade on Saturday was great but we know we can do better! Monica presented Greenbrier West's band with a plaque showing our appreciation for their participation. She told their Director that we understood their sacrifice since their marching season ends in the fall. We had what could best be described as a "skeleton crew" for our Saturday afternoon speakers but, as Monica pointed out, that's when you know you're doing good ... when the Devil puts so many stumbling blocks in your way! Michael J. Martin (recording artist and highly decorated veteran from Joelton, TN) provided the musical entertainment for the weekend and did a FANTASTIC job. Southern Communications out of Beckley signed on as our official Media Sponsor this year and they provided the Doo Wop music on Saturday evening, as well as radio remote broadcasts on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Our local Kool Kruisers Car Club held their Car & Bike Show on Saturday afternoon. Our out-of-town guests continue to be amazed at the number and quality of our classic autos.

Rev. John Steer was unable to attend this year's Reunion as he underwent double heart by-pass surgery on May 19. Col. Earl Hopper (WWII, Korea & Vietnam Veteran) also missed the weekend due to health issues. Rev. Steer has been with us every year and his presence was deeply missed. His surgery went well and the last update I received (June 16) said he is improving as his recovery continues. "Yankee Steve" Viens of Goldsboro, NC (with the Christian Motorcycle Association) filled in admirably for Rev. Steer at our Sunday morning Community Worship Service. "Shady Oaks" (a local bluegrass group) provided the entertainment for our Sunday afternoon gospel sing and played almost 2 hours in the HOT sun.

There are many more details that I know I've failed to mention, but I've rambled on enough! We continue to believe we're on the right track with this Reunion. If you have any questions, visit our web page: LZRainelle.com or contact Monica or I. WISH YOU COULD'VE BEEN THERE!!!
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 06/17/2008 : 22:01:33
Hello everyone. J.W. Puckett was (again) heavily involved in the LZ Rainelle Moving Wall Celebration For 2008. Gerry Mitchell enhanced some of the photos and forwarded 145 LZ photos on a Kodakgallery slideshow for us to enjoy. The photos depict a moving, enjoyable ceremony, a parade and more -

Gerry continues to work hard on photos for the site. He has placed more than 600 Meadow River Lumber Company photos on the Meadow River Page - http://www.rainellereunion.com/meadow_river_lumber_company_rainelle.html Gerry, thank you for your hard work on the electronic Rainelle museum that we can enjoy without leaving our computer chairs!

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 10/16/2007 : 07:00:05
Hello everyone. Gerry has scanned a nice article about the Run for the Wall that was sent by Norma Zopp. Gerry has also collected some photos of the event and attendees from a variety of places. You can enjoy them at http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.88a5tmag&x=0&y=-xfe82r If you want to learn more about the Memorial Day moving wall and see more pictures, you can visit some very nice Websites and see comments by several people including our own J.W. Puckett http://www.lzrainelle.com/index.html and others - http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=DKUS,DKUS:2006-42,DKUS:en&q=run+for+the+wall+rainelle

Gerry watches for information and pictures and frequently updates other slideshows. He recently made additional additions to the Meadow River slideshow. It now contains more than 200 pictures and articles - http://www.rainellereunion.com/photos.html#mr_history Our online museum is becoming a key and very accessible doorway to Rainelle area history.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/03/2007 : 07:47:54
I am sorry I did not take any pictures except a few on the first evening of the biker week.....

I was out of town during the bikers arrival due to my Dad being in the hospital.....however Susie and I had going for a walk during the evening hours.....

In the pictures you will see a beautiful Blue Star Memorial Plaque located at the Rainelle Medical Center. This sign is a tribute to our armed forces. I believe the symbol of the Blue Star had begun during World War two. The Star hung in the windows of homes across America when they had a loved one serving in the war.....The sign was purchased by the Meadow River Garden Club with the help of the VFW and the Ladies Auxilary.....A beautiful asset to our town.....Thank you ladies for honroring our armed Forces......

You will see also see a few other pictures taken that evening.....

I am sorry I was not able to capture any other pictures during the weekend. I can say it was a beautiful weekend.......http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&Uc=prxi0xw.8f2uj338&Uy=b60wig&Ux=0

jwpuckett71 Posted - 05/31/2007 : 10:30:19
Thanks for the kind words ML. It was a GREAT weekend! I didn't get many pics but hopefully Andy did. I'll try to get mine up soon.
ML2006 Posted - 05/28/2007 : 15:20:09
I was in town Thursday and Friday of Memorial Day weekend. I took my sister Karen down to view the "Moving Wall". Altho, we did not walk up to it, we got a few photographs from a distance. I was dismayed to see the old State Police office with the grass so high it looked like a field. So much work goes into the Memorial Day weekend celebration and although I'm no longer there, I thank all of you who work so hard to prepare the town and events for the LZRainelle and the All School Reunion. The carnival was operating and little children's faces beaming with joy. Rainelle looks really good. Flowers, pretty trees along the clean and neat streets. Things are improving economically and it shows. We got our hot dogs at the Dairy Delite in Rupert Crimson Tide territory. I so much enjoyed my trip "home".
Sorry, I did not see Andy and Dale (if you were there,Dale. ) God Bless everyone on this Memorial Day, 2007. Gerry, I looked at the l971 yearbook. It was a joy to see the faces of my precious younger sister and her friends in the yearbook. Thank you again for the untold hours you have spent working on this website.
jwpuckett71 Posted - 05/04/2007 : 13:47:27
Thanks Andy!

Link for the book sale is now up on the LZRainelle.com web site. Click the "Book Sales" at the heading and it'll take you to a page with the basic info about the book and then you can click the "Order Form" link and it'll open up a copy of the order form which you can print and mail to the school with the appropriate payment for your copy of the book.
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 05/03/2007 : 06:38:50
Yes and greetings to you JW .....

It is a most exciting time for Rainelle. A big event for Rainelle....
I visited the wall several times a day with emotions of excitment,
splendor, saddness, honor, thankfulness, and love for the young men and women who had served our country by giving their ultimate sacrifice.

Our memories of a year ago!!!!!


Look for more in pictures in the next few days......


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