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 Beelick Knob/Mine Superintendent's Office

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fred Young Posted - 12/01/2006 : 07:14:37
I was looking at Bobby Ayer's photographs. I noted he has a 1920s photogrraph of the mine Superintendent's office at Beelick Knob (near Meadow bridge) and a current photo showing the home as it appears today.

That was where my Mother, Mae Forren Young, grew up. My Grandfather lived there from I thknk the 1930s until the 1980s or so, when my Uncle Clinton Forren bought it. Later, my Aunt Leta Hann lived there.

Nice photos!

My Mom is still with us and lives at Otterbein independent living near Lebanon, Ohio just south of me. She is 85.

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