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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ML2006 Posted - 11/21/2006 : 00:07:58
Please pray earnestly for my sister Karen. She is battling cancer. I am depending on prayer warriors on our site. We need a miracle.
Thank you.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 03/18/2007 : 08:00:43
A Blessing for all...
Prayer is sweet
Prayer is love
Prayer is the answer

ML2006 Posted - 03/18/2007 : 00:24:48
To all who have prayed and requested prayer for my sister Karen. After a month of treatment/s the lesions in her lungs are all almost gone and there were almost 40. 4 tumors elsewhere are now down to 3. Her prognosis was very bleak but her body's response to the treatments have been an answer to prayer and at this time a much better prognosis. We are so thankful for every week and her gradual improvement. Thank you all for your prayers and for continuing to keep her in mind.
ML2006 Posted - 01/24/2007 : 21:27:06
Re: emails for my sister...I had the wrong email address on my profile. Thanks to Dale, that has now been corrected. Thank you.
ML2006 Posted - 01/23/2007 : 21:36:47
Gingy: Thank you so much. I think of you girls so often.
Frank E. Manspile 58 Posted - 01/23/2007 : 21:13:23
Marilyn, Please know that you are in our thoughts & prayers. Genie & I think of you so often when are talking about Sandy. Stay strong, & know we love you. Gingy
Ron Estep 57 Posted - 01/23/2007 : 20:42:04
Originally posted by ML2006

Please pray earnestly for my sister Karen. She is battling cancer. I am depending on prayer warriors on our site. We need a miracle.
Thank you.

ML please know that you and your fam. are always in our prayers as are all of our classmates. Our blessings to you and your family.
ML2006 Posted - 01/23/2007 : 02:04:22
Anyone wishing to send get well greetings to my sister Karen can do so through my email address on members profile. Your continued earnest prayers are appreciated. Thank you.
ML2006 Posted - 12/22/2006 : 21:55:24
Please continue praying for my sister Karen. She is back in the hospital and will be there through Christmas.
Pennie Zickafoose 65 Posted - 11/23/2006 : 07:52:28

I am so sorry to hear that Karen has cancer. I will be praying for her and all of your family. My church also has a prayer chain and I will add Karen's name. I am still unable to email you or receive your emails. May the Lord grant you and your family many blessings this Thanksgiving. Love, Pennie
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 11/23/2006 : 07:17:46

Our hearts and prayer are here as well.....May this day of Thanksgiving be a thankful day of a miracle for your sister and family......May Blessings flow...

ML2006 Posted - 11/22/2006 : 22:39:56
Norma and Dale: Thank you so much. God Bless You.
Norma Walker Zopp 45 Posted - 11/22/2006 : 22:12:27
Dear Marilyn:

Please know that you, and your sister Karen, are in my thoughts and prayers. Too, I will add Karen's name to our Prayer Chain at First United Methodist Church in DeKalb, Illinois.

Norma Walker Zopp
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 11/21/2006 : 08:42:07
Originally posted by ML2006

Please pray earnestly for my sister Karen. She is battling cancer. I am depending on prayer warriors on our site. We need a miracle.
Thank you.

We will certainly be in prayer, Marilyn. We realize this is an extremely difficult time for all of you. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

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