Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
grumpy-midget Posted - 06/05/2006 : 21:45:17
I need the words to the school song.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ML2006 Posted - 09/23/2006 : 22:13:08
For the class of 1955.

Earth Angel
The Penguins


Earth angel, earth angel
Will you be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you.

Earth angel, earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever and ever more
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you.

I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love-loveliness
I hoped and prayed that someday
I'll be the vision of your hap-happiness

Earth Angel, earth angel
Please be mine
My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you.
ML2006 Posted - 09/23/2006 : 22:09:13
For the class of 1950.

Ames Brothers.

Sentimental me
Guess I'll always be
So in love with you
Don't know what to do
Sentimental me.

Dreaming while I live
Living just to give
All my love to you
No one else will do
Sentimental me.

Reaching for the moon
And wishing on a star
On my honeymoon
I want to be where you are.

Darling can't you see
It was meant to be
I'm in love with you
Say you love me to.
Sentimental me.
ML2006 Posted - 06/25/2006 : 02:28:36
Hi grumpy, good to see ya!
ML2006 Posted - 06/25/2006 : 02:27:27
From the young and old
Hail to Thee our Alma Mater
Hail Maroon and gold.
ML2006 Posted - 06/09/2006 : 12:47:32
Hail to Thee our Rainelle High School
grumpy-midget Posted - 06/09/2006 : 12:33:57
Blessed by GOD above
Evelyn Utterback Drake 56 Posted - 06/07/2006 : 22:49:11
May it always burn in memory
Mary Jane Ingram Carr 61 Posted - 06/07/2006 : 22:34:44
Originally posted by Andy Aide Pendleton 64

I will Give the first line.....

ok Gang....let's take it a line at a time..

In the hills of West Virginia


There is a school that I loveeeeee

MJ Carr
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/07/2006 : 21:58:47
I will Give the first line.....

ok Gang....let's take it a line at a time..

In the hills of West Virginia


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