Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/16/2006 : 21:33:15
Great to see Jerry, Francine, and Bill have registered......thank you .....


Have a great evening...

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 08/25/2006 : 15:39:29
Welcome Jim Zopp....As always great to see you and now great to see you on line.......Hope to see you on the discussion Board...

Yes, and a special welcome to Samara and Joe.....ty for coming on board.....

ML2006 Posted - 06/28/2006 : 00:04:08
Andy: You are a busy girl - I didn't mind filling in for you a bit...but I cannot fill in for you on the golf course, I never learned that game but it looks like fun!
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/27/2006 : 08:33:55
As ML has suggested I have not been up to date about welcoming our new members.... My apology to the ones I have missed...

Welcome to all...

Also a welcome to our newest member...Buddy Whitlow and Gingy Walker Manspile.........

Enjoy and will looking forward to seeing you on the discussion board....

Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/07/2006 : 21:54:16
Welcome Grumpy.......

Thank you for joining the discussion board

Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/05/2006 : 21:48:41
Hello Again Shirley.......

My boots keep on walking...My cowboy hats have been shared by my daughter....She wore her Hat to a country western singer concert in Naples, Florida....lots of compliments....lol

Always happy to hear from you Shirley..


ML2006 Posted - 06/04/2006 : 22:46:20
Dale, Andy, and Chris must be indisposed, so I want to welcome any other new members who have not received a welcome. Hope you enjoy this great website and browse the many, many photographs, as well as take a tour of old and new Rainelle. Welcome all.
ML2006 Posted - 06/04/2006 : 22:43:55
Hi Shirley: Welcome to the website. Hope you enjoy all the pictures and the forums. Sounds like you have a "fun" life!
Which year did you graduate? Have fun in here.
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/19/2006 : 18:00:08
Since I last posted the message to say hello and welcome to the Rainelle reunion site, there were only four classmates posted on our discussion board....... I am very pleased to see the numbers are growing every day. As you know the classmates are finding out about by this site by word of mouth and of course everyone passing the word by internet .

Yes, the internet is amazing how news travels, Because of the internet I know that our next reunion will be even bigger and better than ever....As all of you know it is always a wonderful time filled with laughter and reuniting of old friends. Thanks to the hard work Patty Cox Osborne and the board of directors, the committees, and the class representitives and many more classmates...yes, we appreciate them doing a great job. Thank you very much

I am very happy to see so many registered to this wonderful site that Dale Tincher class of 64 is designing....I know Dale is very pleased at the outcome of the classmates registering. He is working very hard planning the Rainellereunion WebPage.

I would like to add Dale has also volunteered his services and paid the fees for all of us to use this site for free.

Dale, relates to all of us that it is his pleasure....

Mary Jane Ingram Carr 61 Posted - 01/17/2006 : 23:22:27
Thanks so much for your time and effortcreating this site.

MJ Carr

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