Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 Seeking Rainelle Information

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 11/25/2010 : 09:03:47
Hello everyone. I received a request a while back for the following. If you can provide any information, please let me or the discussion board know and I will pass the information on the Seprina. Many of us (including me) were born in the old Rainelle hospital. Thanks, Dale

My name is Seprina Hart I was born and raised in Rainelle and often I look on the Rainelle website at different pictures of Rainelle but I noticed that there isn't any Photos of what I have always called 'the old hospital building" located on 11th Street and I was just wondering why cause I have lots of memories from that place (I use to live there as a kid) and I know that it has to have some historical significance cause my grandmother Mae Hicks who was born in 1923 was operated on for appendicitus when she was 10 years old (1933) in that place (back then it was a hospital and apartment number 11 and 12 was the operating room and the recovery room) and I would appreciate it if you could find some old photos of that building and post them on the website, also I would like more information on the "old hospital building" and the old MacGregory house now the site of the nationwide insurance place( my husbands cousin The Brambles lived there for many years until the house was tore down) and also please tell me how I can get a rainelle Newspaper from 1976 ( it has my brother and sisters obituary in it and I need it to clear up the date of there death).

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

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