Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DavidParks69 Posted - 07/06/2010 : 20:24:12
I don't know how many of you I should thank - or who you all are - but I know that the Reunion event didn't just happen. Many of you have given days and weeks of your lives to make the arrangements we all enjoyed. It was a royal blast of an event. It has been a long time since I have so thoroughly and intensely enjoyed a few hours of my life as I did over Friday and Saturday. This is the first of these reunions I have attended. For the 10 years our family lived in Rainelle [1956-66], growing up with you all was my world [we didn't even make many long-distance calls back in those days - and to get to go to Charleston was awesome!]. It was 10 of the most formative years of my childhood [ages 5-15]. It was a real blessing to see you all again and re-live a few of those memories. Thank you, especially, Jerry and Patty, for inviting me to join your class cookout on Friday evening. And thanks to you all for the memories! David Parks [woulda-been GWHS class of '69 if I'd-a-stayed there]
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Evelyn Utterback Drake 56 Posted - 07/09/2010 : 10:58:22
A great big "THANK YOU' to so many of you who made this reunion so successful. Just getting all those picnic tables together was a tremendous undertaking. The gifts were superb. Also, a big thank you to all the people who came to see old and dear friends. Some among us were from Turkey and CA. I doubt that I'll ever erase the memory of Dale Tincher in that cheerleader skirt. What fun! And to my 1956 classmates...you are all dear to me. I hope to see you in Oct. 2011 as we celebrate 55 years!

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