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 Rainelle Yearbooks - 1956, 57, 63 and MR Lumber

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 09/16/2007 : 19:40:52
Someone notified me that 3 Rainelle yearbooks were being sold on ebay from the Roy Coffman estate. I bought them so someone from the Rainelle family can get them. I simply want to recover the cost of the book, handling, and shipping to me and shipping to the acquirer. If you want them, let me know. They are (shipping included): 1963 - $20.00; 1956 - $24 1957 - $24.
I do not know anything about the legitimacy of the below offer, but I received an e-mail regarding it. I will paste it below. If you are interested, I will give you the individual's phone number so you can check out and if you are comfortable, pursue it:

Last year, my husband and I acquired a bundle of maple flooring, made by Meadow River Lumber Company circa 1920-1940. It was taken from a schoolhouse (I believe in Frankford). We were going to use it in our home; but decided to go with carpet; and I have since been trying to find someone who would appreciate the importance of the wood. My family is from Greenbrier County, and I know how wonderful the story of the company is; and I would hate for the flooring to go unused/unappreciated.

Recently, I got an offer from a friend in Morgantown. He wants the flooring for his home office. I asked him to give me a couple of weeks, as I truly want it to go to someone in Rainelle. Problem is: I can't find anyone who wants it. My last resort is to ask you if you know of anyone in Rainelle who might be interested.

I have 700 square feet of maple flooring. Each piece is stamped "Meadow River Lumber Company". It's in good shape - although it has years of varnish from use at the school; and the original nails are still in some of the boards. I am only looking to recoup what I paid for it - $500. My husband has offered to haul/deliver it for an extra $100 (for gas). I don't know the actual value of the flooring; but I know that antique maple flooring is very rare. Moreover, I know the value of MRLC to the Greenbrier region; and I would love to see someone in Rainelle wind up with it.

Finally, I apologize for this solicitation. I am not the type of person to contact someone about buying something. I am a stay-home mother; and I hate when I get telecommunication marketing emails! But again, I am a Greenbrier County native; and I respect the wonderful history and hope to preserve it when I can.

Please contact me if you know of anyone who might be interested.

Otherwise, disregard this email; and keep up the great work with your efforts.

Best wishes,


Dale Tincher - Class of 64

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