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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 03/31/2007 : 21:07:47
Many of you remember Denny and Susan Tincher from when they ran the Radio station in Rainelle and were active in the community. Or, you may remember Denny from Greenbrier West. He is Dale's younger brother. Denny and Susan's daughter, Angela, who lived in Rainelle for a few years, is having another great year pitching softball at Virginia Tech. An All-American, she was voted National Player of the Week last week for performances against Florida State. You can see the articles on the Virginia Tech Website - http://www.hokiesports.com and http://www.hokiesports.com/softball.

Be sure when you click the above website....
On one of the articles you will see Angela Tincher's name underlined Click her name...A great picture and history of Angela's sucessful seasons....

I watched Angela success last year.......MOST EXCITING !!!

One of our own....We all are very proud !!!!!
I can imagine Uncle Dale is beaming
Congratulation Angela

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 08/06/2009 : 23:41:08
Hello everyone. Several of you and your granddaughters followed Rainelle born and Virginia Tech softball pitcher Angela Tincher in the past. She has made the U.S. National team and is currently one of the pitchers for the Pan American Games http://www.usasoftball.com/folders.asp?uid=5152 She has two wins and was one batter away (she hit the batter) from a perfect game. You can follow it at http://www.usasoftball.com/events.asp?uid=5149 Angela also pitches for the professional Akron Racers http://www.akronracers.org and for a Japanese pro team. She has a blog http://angelatincher.blogspot.com and Twitter account http://twitter.com/Atinch1

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 05/27/2008 : 22:24:26
Please permit a proud uncle for posting another personal item. Rainelle born Angela Tincher, pitched her team, Virginia Tech, to wins over favored Tennesse and Michigan and into the Women’s College World Series and was named Collegiate Softball Player of The Year and was given the Lowe’s collegiate softball award for her performance on and off the field:
http://www.hokiesports.com and http://www.asasoftball.com. We’re very proud. She pitches on ESPN this weekend starting Thursday at 3:00. I'll be unavailable Thurday afternoon and hopefully, much of the weekend.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
ML2006 Posted - 05/27/2008 : 08:26:05
Congratulations to Angela, and to Denny, Susan and the Tincher family!
Connard Estep 53 Posted - 05/25/2008 : 19:25:44
Wow , What a ball player. I watched her today on ESPN against Michigan, She pitched 2 games... My goodness is she good. We should all be proud of her.

Go Angela and VT.
Kenneth Napier 52 Posted - 03/30/2008 : 15:59:23
Good reason for a lot of people to be proud - Angela, her parents, her uncle, and all those Hokies. Congratulations! That Olympic selection team must still be shaking their heads.
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 03/28/2008 : 16:57:21
Hello everyone, my niece, Angela Tincher, born in Rainelle (Denny and Susan's daughter) defeated the U.S. Olympic softball team - not allowing a single hit. The article includes, "A day after becoming the first college pitcher to beat the Olympic team in more than a decade, ending its 185-game winning streak on pre-Olympic tours.." I hope you enjoy it. Dale



Pictures are on the left under Softball, called Photo Gallery - http://www.hokiesports.com

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 06/01/2007 : 07:21:45
Another Great Story.....


Congratulation Angela... exciting time for all

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 05/13/2007 : 19:25:32
Hello everyone. Several people have been very kind to inquire about Angela and Virginia Tech and how they are doing. Some good news - her team won the ACC championship and she won some awards, including Tournament MVP and ACC Pitcher of the Year. Denny and Susan had traveled to Florida and had a wonderful time at the tournment - http://www.hokiesports.com and http://www.hokiesports.com/softball The team is off to the NCAA tournaments next week.

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 04/15/2007 : 09:05:19
Another exciting day for the Tincher Family...

April 14, 2007.......Angela Tincher did it again.......

Angela Tincher pitched both games. Va Tech won game one 2-0 and the second in 12 innings by 3-1 and moved into first place in the ACC. VA Tech is #23 in the nation and should move up since UNC was #21. Angela, an All-American, pitched a total of 19 innings in the two back-to-back games and had 33 strikeouts. Dale and Christian; Denny Susan and Abby; Donnie, Jewell and Caleb; Gail and Trevor enjoyed the games together.




We know Denny, Susan and Uncle Dale were excited and very proud..

Congratulations to Angela.....She certainly is making all of us proud of her accomplishments as a athlete and a young lady....BE PROUD !!!!!!

Moving right on up !!!!!

ML2006 Posted - 04/01/2007 : 00:12:29
Congrats Angela (and Dale for being the uncle!) !!

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