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 Classmates Sharing Family Photos (2/18/06)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 02/18/2006 : 11:41:06
Hello Classmates,

I did want to share with you a few photos of my parents George and Helen Aide on Fathers Day 2005. Pictures of these photos will also include my brothers Richard and Gary Aide, My sister Nancy Aide Gore, and myself. My brother Mike and sister Cherie will be in other photos soon...

As you know my parents were very much a part of Rainelle by owning and operating a business named The Bargain Center and the Red Goose Baby Shop....which much later was known as Aide's Discount Store.

My Father and Mother loved Rainelle and East Rainelle. They loved the citizens of those communities and it surrounding areas. They Had seven children while living in Rainelle with six of them attending Rainelle Elementray School.....Myself, Andy and my brother Mike were the only ones to graduated from Rainelle High School, due to the fact Dad had expanded his business to Lewisburg. Dad felt a need to move to operate the stores from the main location. My Dad has recently expressed to his family he wants to take Mom and move back home to Rainelle.....You See Rainelle is still his HOME......

Dad and MOM are now at their golden age of 87 and 86. He says it is not too golden however he is doing ok....My parents have some major health problems which are to be expected at those golden years. Dad is our ever ready little bunny the batteries seem to be dying down then all at once the batteries are charged and ready to go again...,,,,

Speaking for the children of these fine loving wonderful parents we are blessed to still be able to keep on making wonderful memories......

Thank you classmates I just wanted to share the love of my parents for them as well as from them...

Please fill free to share your memories of the past and present...

Be sure and click below to see the photos.....


4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 02/22/2006 : 19:16:54
Thank you Janet for the nice replies...I am going to make Nancy Registered......I had my brother Mike Aide to register today...I know Nancy and Mike will enjoy hearing from their classmates and friends..

Shirley you are a special lady ......my Mother and Dad thinks you are the best as well as Randy and I do...

Shirley was the longest working employee for my mother and Dad .. she began when it was Bargain Center..she ended at Aides Discount Store when it closed its doors for the last time in Covington, Va. as a store manager on Christmas Eve.....A Sad Day... The Covington store was the last of the four stores to close... We love you Shirley.

I have a little saying Wal-Mart moved in and we moved out.....

Shirley Bottomly Wickline Posted - 02/22/2006 : 18:53:53
Andy, thanks for the pictures and write up about your Mom and Dad, I haven't been to see them for awhile, glad to hear they are doing well. I have enjoyed all the messages on the site, even though I don't know some of the people, but we still have something in common, we all graduated from Rainell High School. I look forward to our next all school reunion, hope to see all there. Thanks for letting me share. Shirley B. Wickline 1953

Shirley Bottomly Wickline
Janet Ballengee Estep 68 Posted - 02/21/2006 : 10:55:27
Andy, I was thrilled to see the picture of your sister, Nancy. She and I were in the same class. Since her last name was Aide, and mine was Ballengee, I was always seated directly behind her when seating was alphabetical. Which it usually was! Thanks for the pictures. Janet Estep
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 02/18/2006 : 17:16:38
Hello again,

Jerry Mitchell had recently sent me a very nice picture of his parents, Frank and Wenona Mitchell.

Jerry's Dad did not attend RHS however he had worked most of his adult life in Rainelle. Most of us remember Frank as the right hand man for Dick Jarrett while working at the Rainelle Dept. Store. Frank had worked at the dept. store from 1940 until its closing. After the Rainelle Dept. store closed Frank remained on board at the store with the new owners the Gwinn family until its closing. Again after the Gwinn family closed the store Frank again moved on working as department manager at Aide's Discount Store until his third retirement. Frank was always a top quality employee that worked hard for his employer and always gave his full attention to his customers...Everyone wanted Frank to help them...he is loved by all..


Gerry's mother, Wenona RHS class of '38 was a loving caring mother who was a wonderful homemaker to her family...Wenona a community, civic minded lady where her club work help to improve many things around Rainelle...Wenona is regarded as one of the fine ladies of Rainelle who cared and loved others.

Frank and Wenona are long time members of the First Baptist Church of Rainelle. They love their Church and its church members!!!!

Frank is 89 years young Wenona is 86 years young



There are two different pictures please click on each..ty


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