Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Connard Estep 53 Posted - 01/29/2007 : 10:11:11
I read that the town Goverment is trying to Annex Lilly Park, Mcross and Osborn Addition. Seems to be a major issue for a lot of People. Anyone Pro or Con care to comment?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Norma Walker Zopp 45 Posted - 01/31/2007 : 21:37:52
Thanks Dale and Evelyn ... this helps! Norma
Evelyn Utterback Drake 56 Posted - 01/31/2007 : 11:34:54
Today the Beckley paper had a long article on this issue.


Or go to register-herald and type Rainelle in search. Jan. 31 edition
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 01/31/2007 : 06:11:07
Hello everyone. I have given this topic a lot of thought. I am writing this as a concerned individual and not as one who has helped start the Website or has any type of agenda. As Norma wisely stated, we do not want this to be a political forum. You can, however, learn what is happening in Rainelle by contacting any of the Rainelle folks offline by using the rainellereunion e-mail addresses that are in their Member profile. It might be good to contact a few of them to get different viewpoints. Some of them have made posts on this topic. Others are in different places on the discussion board. I will be making a post in the near future on a way outside individuals can help Rainelle. Hopefully, it will turn into a thread that will be positive for Rainelle and help in some small way. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 01/30/2007 : 21:11:21
A gentleman who lives far from Rainelle sent an article to add to the discussion that you may find interesting:
http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=u46feyk.c6goixl8&x=0&y=iq21hm another person sent http://www.register-herald.com/local/local_story_032211202.html

I agree with Norma that this is not a political forum. However, while many of us may not live there, we love Rainelle and care what happens.


Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Norma Walker Zopp 45 Posted - 01/29/2007 : 23:56:11
This is news to me!! Where can I get info on this topic? Town Council minutes online? I understand that our website is not a political forum ... thanks! NWZ
ML2006 Posted - 01/29/2007 : 23:23:05
I would love to put some pro and con opinions on here but I must only say this: "I wouldn't touch that topic with a 475 mile pole. I would not want tarred and feathered and ran out of town the next time I'm home."
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/29/2007 : 21:50:26
Yes, Connard the annexation is a hot topic in Rainelle.
There is so many mixed emotions with most people having a negative opinion about becoming part of the town of Rainelle.

Like everything else I do have some strong feelings toward this issue but I must plead the fifth. lol

I can't stand it ...I will say one thing ....How come the Mayor does not include four houses located at the west end of town for annexation. WHY?????? YOU GUESS.....

There is some real positive reasons as to why the surrounding areas
should become a part of the town. However, I do believe the timing of the annexation is not the right time.

I believe I said two things


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