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Andy Aide Pendleton 64
Posted - 01/20/2007 : 22:20:47 Good News!!
Our classmates, Rita and ML, have volunteered to help Dale with the Rainelle reunion website. Dale is very happy to have Rita and ML on board to help with the website.
Rita and ML will be deleting any spammers that has enrolled as new members. They are already on the move and have successfully deleted several spammer's names.
Rita is now in Charge of helping lost members re-register. It has come to my attention several times through the past year that we have had members enroll and were unable to get back to the site as members.....Rita is here to help each of you solve this problem.
Rita will help you revise your membership enrollment, if need be. Your members enrollment will allow you to be a part of the discussion board plus you may contact any member personally by email through the membership enrollment. If you need any help in this matter please email Rita.
Dale, Gerry and I are most appreciative for any volunteers to help our website grow.
Thank you Rita and ML
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Rita Curd Bender 64
Posted - 01/29/2007 : 15:37:43 Now I know how the Maytag reapairman feels. I don't have any business either. Don't hesitate to write if you need help. If I cannot figure it out, I will ask Dale and he will give me instructions.
Stay warm.
Posted - 01/22/2007 : 21:48:58 I just love zapping the spammers. lol thanks for the "title" Andy.