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 Rainelle airport for sale?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bthomas5207f Posted - 12/30/2006 : 18:46:12
I heard from my grnadfather who lives in Beckley that the Rainelle airport may be for sale? Can any one confirm this? He heard a bit of the story at the local baber shop and thinks the asking price may be as low a 150,000. I am very interested in this would love to have my home on an airport.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Janet Ballengee Estep 68 Posted - 01/19/2008 : 14:43:27
I know that several months ago someone was considering buying the airport? Does anyone know if it was actually sold? Thanks.
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 09/15/2007 : 07:53:03
I do not know if it officially up for sale....but as always you can call Ralph Williams .....he is the man in charge of the airport...

bthomas5207f Posted - 09/14/2007 : 20:18:46
I am getting re-energized about buying the airport for sale. I was wondering if anyone knows weather or not this property has been offically listed. Is there a website or local realtor that I can call? Any help would be much appericated. Thanks you.
gridironmike Posted - 02/18/2007 : 21:08:00
Here is a link to a US Geological Survey topo map of the Rainelle Airport http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lon=-80.7167&lat=37.9486 Here is some misc. info about the airport http://www.airnav.com/airport/wv30

RJHS '84
gridironmike Posted - 02/09/2007 : 13:12:58
The employees at Paul's Auto Sales made weekly trips to the restaurant for lunch. It was a neat atmosphere for small town America. I'm sure we'd go back if it were open.

RJHS '84
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/04/2007 : 22:27:55
You can call my brother Gary Aide at the office of Red Oaks...Tell him you are interested in the Squire Haynes Tape......304-645-2415.....He will mail it to you.....We all enjoyed the tape because we all knew Squire Haynes......
I hope the tape will be of help to you obtaining some info concerning the airport.........

bthomas5207f Posted - 01/04/2007 : 19:40:26
I would be very interested in obtain a copy of that video. What would be the beat way to do that? Does your brother have a website or a number I can call to order the video? Thank you.
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 01/02/2007 : 07:37:21
In reference to the airport's restaurant it was a fun place to go with great homecooking...they had a buffet....the success of the restuarant was not certain however they were only open on weekends...it was a wonderful time when the airplanes were able to fly in and have a little something to eat...Now understand the if the weather was not good for flying then the restaurant would not do as well........

My brother, Gary Aide made a short video about Squire Haynes and The Rainelle Airport...It is very beautiful aprox. 12 minute video....The video was the last day the restuarant was open....and interviewing Squire...etc......Gary has a video business and sells his videos......also a good view of the airport and the airplanes flying.......

bthomas5207f Posted - 01/01/2007 : 14:17:54
I have been searching the net and have been unable to locate any pictures of the airport. I am wondering if anyone has any pictures of the airport at rainelle?
bthomas5207f Posted - 12/31/2006 : 15:21:45
Thank you for the info. I just spoke to Mr. Willams about the property and it sounds like a great deal. I was wondering what the locals thought about the resturant on the land? Was it very busy and did people enjoy going there. It would be nice to reopen it if I did purchase the property, but I just wondering if it would provide a suitable income to live on?
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/31/2006 : 07:21:53
Hello Mr. Thomas,

You may call Ralph Williams administrator of Squire Haynes estate.

304-438-7221 ....... Good Luck in acquiring the property.
There is several lots already sold at the airport prior to Squire's death....At the time the only one allowed to buy a lot was someone who owned an airplane...

We are waiting for the restaurant to open..lol...

Andy Aide Pendleton


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