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 We are Marshall

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fred Young Posted - 12/15/2006 : 22:47:58
Just a small note about this movie. My wife and I were able to attend the local Marshall alumni private showing in Newport, KY. The movie was fabulous. One's status as a Marhsall grad, a Huntingtonian or a football fan has nothing to do with enjoying this film.

Plus, it shows West Virginia in what it deserves, a truly positive light.

Please go see it. It is worthy, unlike so many other films, of your dollar.

And whether you ever attended Marshall, or any other college,

you can take pride in ths simnply, but proud charge:

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/30/2006 : 07:55:37
I did see the movie "We are Marshall" Thursday with 17 family members at our new stadium seating theatre in Beckley.....The movie was filled with tears, humor, great music, and a story that is kept alive on the Marshall campus.....it gives us insight of the family members, friends, and the college of their pain they suffered during this horrible accident and how they brought tragedy up from the ashes to victory........

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 12/29/2006 : 09:56:23
Thank you for the recommendation, Fred. I had also been reading some good reviews. I went with my youngest daughter and some of her friends (an invitation I appreciated and enjoyed.) It was before their time, but they were also touched by the film. The movie was extremely well done in my opinion. We thought Matthew McConaughey was funny, sensitive and charming and did a wonderful job as coach Jack Lengyel. Other actors were also excellent. I was in the Army in November 1970 when the tragic crash happened, but read what I could about it at the time. The movie really puts you there with historical footage and people struggling with a variety of emotions. The movie was riveting. One of our group said afterwards, "It was a short movie." I agreed, but later looked at my watch and discovered it had gone for 127 minutes, but seemed like an hour.

I join Fred in recommending that all those with West Virginia ties see this excellent movie. I'm visiting my brother, Denny, this weekend (he is a Marshall grad) and I look forward to getting his views on the movie and will add them.) Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
julialynn Posted - 12/25/2006 : 03:49:53
Being related to two (and still counting)to these wonderful men. what can I really say, WE ARE MARSHALL, We are a state of wonderful people who never forget, we love with our heart. We are family. ALways!!
ML2006 Posted - 12/22/2006 : 21:54:02
RE: Marshall

ESPN made a video about the Marshall incident with all the facts, news, etc. It can be purchased at Walmart for $9.99 in the movie section.
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/22/2006 : 09:22:01
Fred and Classmates,

Today is the big day for the general public to see the movie "WE ARE Marshall".


Be sure an click on the video to see the trailor ...videos..etc.

My family is in for holidays therefore I purchased 17 advanced tickets for next Thursday......The thearter we plan to watch the movie has new stadium seat located in Beckley..the thearter is owned by Curtis McCall, Puncher, formerly of Rainelle has built thearters around the country....He has just built a new stadium seat movie thearter in Beckley where I purchased the tickets.

Fred Young Posted - 12/15/2006 : 22:52:21
My keystroke apparently served this before I could edit.

Just remember these words:

"WE ARE --


These even sound good to someone wtih sense enought to go to OU!


And Merry Christmas to all!

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